Sunday, November 4, 2012

72 hours...3 days!!

I know that doesn't seem like much.  It feels like a long time.  I don't really miss foods yet, but I am sure I will eventually.  

I feel good. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

48 hours....I made it for 48 hours

Wow, so far so good.  Off to have some sushi with a friend...Yeah me!!


Thanks for my titles will get more creative.  I just want to get all of this down.  So, just made breakfast.  Coffee...but was in the mood for eggs.  So, I get too hungry to just eat eggs for breakfast and call it done.  I love to eat, but it needs to taste good, too.  Now, please understand, I am not a gourmet chef, I can cook, but often I mess it up.  So, if I can do this, anyone can.

I tried something new....was pretty good. I like trying to put different foods together and see what happens. And, I took a picture of it, just in case I liked it and wanted to share it :-)

I used:
olive oil

I put some olive oil, chopped up cauliflower, onions in the pan and let them cook.  I like it brown, when the onions get sweet and caramelized (this is really how you spell it?  It looks wrong.)
Then, I poured the beat eggs on top and let it cook.  I like it scrambled, but some people may make an omelette with it.  Then, added feta cheese....many of you will want to add salt/pepper.

And, here is what I got....

Okay, I will make it look more appetizing next time.  But, it was very tasty.  Some may want to add spices or other flavors, or change the veggies...

It filled me.  Surprisingly so.  


Friday, November 2, 2012


Well, I had a feeling these issues would come one day.  So, I am going to try a gluten free diet and see if some medical issues go away.  Not sure how successful I will be, I am a carb lover.  I love cookies, cake, pizza, pancakes, mac and cheese, and all of that stuff.  Always had a sweet tooth.  But, it has been suggested that prior to this class I have to take, I try gluten free for 2 weeks.  Okay, I can do this for 2 weeks, right?

Went to Sprouts, gluten free section.  Wow, more than I thought, but most of it was may contain, or too much sugar or sodium.  Maybe I should just move to an island, and plant all of my own food, and live off of the land....who am I kidding?  That will never happen........because I would kill all of the plants.  Completely brown thumb.

So I have never "blogged" before, I have never even read a "blog", I barely know what it is, but I thought I would try and use this method of keeping a journal and see if it gives me the support I think I am going to need for this.

I bought a gluten free raisin bread..........Oh goodness, the taste was fine, the consistency was horrible.  Like sand.  Right In The Trash !!

Okay, so right away I am realizing that if it is a substitute for something else, it is probably not going to taste good.

Okay, I just tried a FreeFrom Raspberry Golden Crunch cookie.  Now THAT is good.  Doesn't taste like a substitute for something else...just tastes good.

Well, I guess that is it for now...not too bad.  Let's see how this goes.  Here's to the journey...